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The Revolution 45 - March 5th & 6th




Vicious Submission Gi: 

Bryson Hays :12

Vicious Submission NoGi:

Alona Zagumennaya  :14

Congratulations to all the Adult Team
Gi Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  336

Gracie Barra NW  206

Checkmat  57


Congratulations to all the Adult Team
 No Gi Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  178

Gracie Barra NW 83

Mat Chess MMA 52


Congratulations to all the Adult Team
 Overall Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  514

Gracie Barra NW  289

Checkmat  92


Congratulations to all the Youth/Jr Team
 Gi Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  441

Gracie Barra NW  294

Team Wise 149

Congratulations to all the Youth/Jr Team
NoGi Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  259

Gracie Barra NW  125

Team Wise 113

Congratulations to all the Youth/Jr Team
 Overall Placers
The Revolution 45

Marcelo Alonso BJJ  700

Gracie Barra NW  419

Team Wise 262

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